The Avatar franchise is a popular American animated fantasy series consisting of two animated television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. The Legend of Pulo is a fictional continuation series that was designed to be the next in the Avatar universe. The plot of the series is to create a new Avatar team more suited to the cyberpunk universe. The new Avatar team has character traits aligned with the cyberpunk theme, characterized by a dystopian future, high-tech, and cyborgs. The design project combined technologies and emerging new elements in this Avatar universe compared to previous universes. For this continuation series, four main character designs representing the 4 basic elements fire (electricity), water, air, and earth (metal) -one of them being an avatar- and the glasses designs of these characters were made.
#cyberpunk #cyborgs #avatars #robotic #universe
Design Management / Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Can Özcan