This project is associated with the element of Earth, one of the four philosophical elements of nature. The aim of the project is to use the olive tree's many advantages and the goods it produces as an illustration of the circular economy. While using the advantages of olive trees, urban farming will be encouraged and community gardens will improve nutrition, physical activity and general mental health for participants. In Urla Iskele, the project site is close to the Klazomenai excavation site. The history of using olive trees varies greatly across the globe. Project aims to educate younger generation about the history of olive trees and the importance of protecting them. It is important to raise awareness starting from the younger generation. This project aims to gather people of all ages and provide information flow between them.  Both theoretical and practical training will be given at the Co-Learning Center.

#earth #nature #local #belonging
ARCH 498 Element(s) / Unit No: 2 / Coordinators: Athanasios Stasinopoulos & Livanur Erbil
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