OMOI is a series of toy-like figures that represent emotions, feelings. The series consists of 4 figures and each figure symbolizes an emotion through its form, colors and facial expression. The purpose of the series is to enable people to reflect their feelings towards each other and themselves in a fun and a pleasant way. Emotions represented: happiness, sadness, love and anger. The feeling of happiness is associated with abstract shapes and warm colors, while sadness is associated with calmer, wave-like shapes and cold colors. The feeling of love is associated with shapes such as spirals formed by intertwining to describe togetherness, while anger is associated with shapes with sharp lines and edges. Each figure has a separate packaging, and these packages contain objects with features unique to the figures. The packaging itself is also the display area of the figure, the figure is exhibited together with the packaging and the objects in it.
#craft #collection #customization #universe #empathy
Design Management / Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Can Özcan
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