The subject of the animation is to show reversed roles in society through a mistreated character, Celestia, and the debut of her Rock-Paper-Scissors card game. This project gave an opportunity to experiment with the dark fantasy genre and its art style as well as to experience frame by frame animation with building the animation in 2D. Since it has a monochrome color palette, the character Celestia has a unique design with the usage of red, distinguishing her from the rest of the characters. This means that the project was challenging with character designs since the color usage was limited so giving their own unique features had a big role. Addition to the animation, the card game is also an important part of this project. Besides from the original Rock-Paper-Scissors game, it needed to be more to the players of this story. So, five more cards were created to change the original game's complexion. The project contains screenwriting, character designing, storyboarding, concept & background art, frame by frame animation, combining scenes & sound and additional promotional works, all made by me.
#chaos #division #psychological #violence #confusion
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