A kid playground evokes feelings of joy, freedom, and exploration. It provides a space for children to escape routines and engage in unstructured play, unleashing their creativity and testing their physical abilities. It fosters social interaction, empathy, cooperation, and teamwork through shared experiences. Playground memories hold a special place in a child's recollection, creating lasting impressions of adventure, friendship, and the carefree happiness of childhood. These memories contribute to a sense of nostalgia and serve as reminders of the joy and freedom experienced in those early years.
The Slug-on-Playground design draws inspiration from slugs and adapts explicitly the concept of the tug-of-war game, incorporating the unique eyes of slugs through Biomimicry. It transforms the tug-of-war into a playground toy, creating a version that promotes both individuality and teamwork. The primary focus of this design is not solely on determining a winner based on strength, but rather on providing a game/toy that encourages all children to play together, fostering increased interaction and allowing them to collectively establish the game rules.

#memory #existence #accessibility #collective #adaptation
Design Management / Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Can Özcan
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